
From Early Intervention to Vocation

IDEA THERAPY CENTER is a premier therapy center in Davao City that offers an array of services for children, adolescents, and adults with or without special needs. We promote inclusivity and create a diverse and integrative learning, medical and therapeutic experiences for all. From Early Intervention to Vocation, optimizing full potential together!

Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy
Inclusive Playgroup Classes
Pre-Kinder for School Readiness Program
Physical Therapy
SPED & Tutorial Services
Developmental Playgroup for Progressive Growth Program

“Inspiring Growth, Progress, and Inclusion.”

Here at IDEA Therapy Center, we promote inclusivity and create a diverse and integrative learning, medical, and therapeutic experiences for all.

iDEA stands for Inclusion, Development, Education, and Advancement. It took three years to develop the concept, emphasizing a deeper meaning centered around Inclusion, which is the core mission of iDEA Therapy Center.

Our Mission

To provide inclusive learning experiences for all children with or without special needs.

To create a community that promotes inclusivity and equality.

To help maximize health, well-being and quality of life for all people of all ages, populations and communities through effective solutions that facilitate participation in everyday living.

To provide a holistic approach with clients in order to create a diverse and integrative learning and therapeutic experiences for all.

Our Vision

To be the premier therapy center nationwide, providing inclusive, exceptional, and transformative services across expansive facilities, empowering individuals of all ages to overcome challenges and reach their full potential.


Our Therapy Services Make a Positive Difference People’s Lives

At our center, we are dedicated to empowering individuals to overcome challenges and reach their fullest potential. Through compassionate care and tailored approaches, we work to bring meaningful improvements to the lives of our clients and their families.

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Get In Touch

iDEA Therapy Center, 1 Alitaptap, Talomo, Davao City



(082) 225-1363

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© iDEA Therapy Center - 2025. All Rights Reserved.

"Empowering individuals with special needs to thrive – because everyone deserves a brighter tomorrow."